GEO Work Programme 2023-2025 summary document Consultation
GEO Work Programme 2023-2025 summary document
This document is the first version of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Work Programme Summary Document for the period 2023 to 2025.
An important part of this development process involves broad consultation with all members of the GEO community, including the organizations and individuals who contribute their time and resources to the activities that comprise the GEO Work Programme, GEO Members and Participating Organizations, and many other stakeholders. The present document is the product of this consultation process, which has been guided and overseen by the GEO Programme Board.
This Summary Document is a compilation of overviews from the proposed Implementation Plans received by the GEO Secretariat as of 31 May 2022. The full Implementation Plans will be accessible via the hyperlinks in the respective sections of this Document. As some of these plans are still being revised by activity teams, they may be updated in the coming weeks.
Comments and contributions to improve the Work Programme activities are welcome and you are invited to provide them to the points of contact of those activities directly. This contact information is provided in this document at the end of each summary.
For general comments on the GEO Work Programme Summary Document or for any clarifications, including regarding the Work Programme development process, please contact the GEO Secretariat at
The deadline for receiving comments is 31 August 2022.